UAE and its development-minded leadership had always worked hard towards building world-class infrastructure and services. The healthcare system is one such sector that is top-notch. It is proven by the recent response to the Coronavirus epidemic. Over 99% of the population had been vaccinated (as per The Government want to achieve higher and better and thus is going to integrate all healthcare information systems across UAE.
Riyayati is a digital medical platform that collects and stores all administrative, personal and medical records of anyone receiving health services. And as per the recent announcement by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), it is this platform that is going to unify all medical-related databases across the country to ensure better healthcare services. The Department of Health- Abu Dhabi, the Emirates Health Services (EHS) and Dubai Health Authority (DHA) are going to collaborate with MoHAP for this data unification process. This initiative’s goal is to enhance the quality and efficiency of UAE’s health care system.
Minister of Health and Prevention, Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad Al Owais, expressed his views on the matter- “The launch of the central system Riayati comes in line with the UAE’s strategic directions in developing the health sector to improve disease monitoring and management of population health.”
The chairman of DOH, Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hamed, said. “We are striving to provide a world-class healthcare system while laying the essential foundations for its success, including a unified e-healthcare system, according to the directives and forward-looking vision of the wise leadership. By drawing on the sophisticated infrastructure, high-caliber staff, as well as utilizing innovation and digital transformation, efforts will be united to provide unified e-healthcare system to link medical service providers throughout the country, thus optimizing the patient experience, improving therapeutic services, and enhancing the UAE status in the global health arena.”
This project would be carried out in two phases.
Phase 1: EHS’s Wareed and DHA’s Nabidh will be consolidated with MoHAP’s Riyayat. Wareed is the electronic database for all medical records in Dubai and the northern emirates. As per the Director-General of EHS, Yossef Mohamed Al Serkal, Wareed provides the central system with more than 50 per cent of health data in the northern emirates through 17 hospitals and over 80 health centres. The other database to be consolidated in Phase 1 is Nabidh which is DHA’s health information network. Phase2: DoH’s Malaffi will be linked to MoHAP’s Riyayat (which would at that point be linked to EHS’s Wareed and DHA’s Nabidh in Phase 1.) Malaffi of Department of Health- Abu Dhabi was the first medical information excjange platform in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. It took three years for all Abu Dhabi-based hocpitals to be linked to Malaffi.The centralization of the Healthcare system would have the following advantages:
- Easier access to medical and personal records.
- Faster access to required information for better healthcare service.
- Higher efficiency of healthcare system.
- World-class quality of UAE’s healthcare system.