Start an E-commerce Business in SHAM’s Free Zone
Currently in the digital era we are living in, the whole world is available at the tip of our fingertips. To take the comfort to the next level, everything anyone has to offer- food, clothes household items, etc. is available online. And this has clearly become the preferred mode of shopping as we are too busy with our own lives and find little time to physically visit shops and would rather spend that precious time doing things we love. Add to that the fact that the current COVID-19 global pandemic had restricted our movements, online shopping had become the norm of the day. Moreover, the tech-savvy youthful crowd in UAE makes UAE the fastest-growing e-commerce market in the Middle East. Therefore, in this present scenario, it is highly profitable to start your new e-commerce business. And the perfect location for setting up your new e-commerce business would be the Sharjah Media City Free Zone (Shams). Established in 2017, Shams has a world-class infrastructure that supports all kinds of business ventures. It offers a range of business activities like media, event management, trading, consultancy services, import/ export and most importantly, e-commerce. It presents a great network allowing you to connect well and operate your business smoothly. Upon receiving a business license for e-commerce one would not be able to sell directly but via suppliers who take care of product registration, storage and delivery of products, customs duty, etc. A distributor or local agent would not be required in such a set-up. If you plan to sell your own product, you would have to arrange for Warehouse for storage and take care of customs duty and product registration. Read more on Best Freezones in Abu Dhabi
Advantages of setting up your new e-commerce business in Shams:
- You can get 100% ownership of your business.
- 0% Corporate Tax on Qualifying Income
- 0% import/ export duty.
- 100% capital and profit repatriation.
- This free zone provides easy access to trade, industrial and service licenses.
- The initial cost of forming a new company in Shams is comparatively low.
- The process of setting up is easy, straightforward and quick.
- Shams provides flexible office options (like flexi-desks) for you to choose from.
- If you are looking to have a huge number of shareholders, SHAMS is the place for you. It allows the maximum number of shareholders (up to 50).
- A shareholder of a business in Shams can be as young as 19 years old and an employee can be as young as 18 years old. No other Free Economic Zones allow such a low age cut-off.
- It is extremely easy to get your new corporate bank account for your newly-formed business in Shams.
- With your business set-up in Shams, it is very easy get visa for your dependents.
How can Flyingcolour Business Setup help you?
It is a simple 2-step process: Just apply for license after meeting with officials from Shams and get approved. Forming a new business may feel daunting without the guidance from a trustworthy partner. Flyingcolour Business setup services has been helping clients form companies since the past 17 years. We can help you set up your new business with ease. Please feel free to mail your queries at or contact us at +971 4 4542366. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]