Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is an international financial center that enables global best practices in UAE. They issued on 11 February 2021 a new data protection regulation. The Independent Office of Data Protection is established due to ADGM’s new regulations enactment. This blog will provide key highlights of the suite of guides and documents issued by the authority.
Overview of the New Data Protection Regulations 2021
New policies have been majorly changed and ensure better data safety although it shares some similarities with the previous regulations, such as Registration Obligation with the Office of Data Protection. Also, notification obligations to the Office of Data Protection and Data Transfer Requirements and Permits are similar.The new regulations require entities
- To maintain a Record of Processing Activities
- To appoint a Data Protection Officer
- Comply with the Data Protection Principles
- Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments on high-risk processing activities.
- Data Breach Notifications to Data Subjects in some instances
- Implementing Data Processing Agreements with Data Processors.
Key Highlights of Guidance
To ensure the compliance and understanding of the Data Protection Regulations 2021, the Office of Data Protection (ODP) of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), the international financial center, has released guidelines that cover the following critical areas of new regulations:- It contains an overview section that introduces the overall new regulation's features, definitions, and the territorial scope of guidelines.
- It contains an individual rights section that provides briefings about how an individual's rights will be protected. It also includes the roles and responsibilities of ADGM entities.
- The obligation on data controllerand processors part requires companies to follow practices related to the data protection of their stakeholders. The entities must adhere to data protection by design and default, impact assessments, and uncertainties followed by agreements in processors.
- It has a section namedinternational transfers that provide a set of regulations and implementation of provisions while transferring personal data outside of the purview of ADGM.