[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In 1830s, Charles Babbage, considered by many as the father of computers, had built the Difference Engine which led to the invention of the first computer. Ever since, computers have taken over the world and become an essential part of everyone’s existence. And to be educated in the same is an absolute necessity to get ahead in life. Dubai is the land of dreams where about 200 nationalities dwell and aspire to fulfill their wishes. To give wings to their aspirations many need to be trained on various skills and computer is one of the most sought after as its requirement is in such high demand. Here we look at few benefits of setting up a computer training business in Dubai Mainland:
- One of the stellar aspects of Dubai is its exemplary IT infrastructure. To maintain the same a big number of skilled employees are required. Thus, there is high requirement of institutes offering computer programming, computer electronics technology, computer operations and local area network management, block chain technology in order to enhance the skills of the IT technicians to enable the integrate said technology into the existing computer network.
- Even who are already working in the computer industry, need to enhance their skill set to ensure that they stay ahead of the curve. This necessity is the reason why such computer training businesses have such high scope in Dubai.
- Dubai is a commercial hub and there are a number of businesses running here most of which rely on computer business systems. To ensure smooth operation of the same it is imperative that their employees are trained in computer business systems. This demand helps computer training businesses, offering this course, a huge advantage.
- A huge number of educational institutes run in Dubai and they require people skilled in computers as much as any business sector. Thus, computer training businesses have a huge scope. Read more about The Perks of Setting up a Computer Repairing and Maintenance company in Dubai Mainland
- The huge number of students in Dubai looking to increase their knowledge-base and enhance their career are also in need of computer training institutes.
- 100% capital and profit repatriation is allowed for a company registered in Dubai Mainland. This means that any foreign businessman investing in a company in Dubai is allowed to send back the capital as well as any profits earned by said business to their native country.
- A business formed in Dubai Mainland is exempted from corporate tax.
These perks make Dubai mainland the correct location to set-up your computer training company. One can acquire the professional license to set up a computer training business from Department of Economic Development (DED) with external approval from Knowledge and Human Development Authority.
Click here to know more about How To Start A Business In Dubai
The process of setting up a new business may be simplified with the help of an expert. Flying Colour Business setup services has been helping clients form companies since the past 17 years. We can help you set up your new business in a hassle-free manner. Please feel free to mail your queries at info@flyingcolour.com or contact us at +971 4 4542366.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]